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Conditions Based on the Attributes of Service Options

Conditions based on service options can apply to either global or attached policies.


Use the following format for conditions with a match function:


Use the following format (without spaces) for conditions without a match function:

For all formats, enclose string values in single quotation marks, and enter numeric values without quotation marks.

Use the following attributes to specify conditions based on service options:









For service options and service option elements, you can specify conditions that use match functions.

The following attributes may require explanation:

category, category class, and category subclass

Specifies the values for category, category class, and category subclass from the category.xml file.

View this file and record the values that you want to use in your conditions. This file is located in a different folder for each localized version of CA Service Catalog. For example, for English (icusen), the category.xml file is located in the USM_HOME\view\webapps\usm\locale\icusen\billing folder.

Note: This file may be different, based on the language of the operating system. For details about this file, see the Implementation Guide.


Specifies the estimated cost of a service option in a service in a request. The Catalog system calculates this cost when the request is submitted.

Note: To find the cost of the service option, click Home, Requests and, if applicable, use the My Requests drop-down list to display requests. Find the request that contains the service option and view the details.

external_id and keywords

Specifies the values for the attributes named external_id and keywords.

Service builders specify these values when defining the service options of a service option group. Service builders typically use these attributes to add meta information about services, especially for categorizing services.

You can find the values of these attributes and record them for use in this condition.


Specifies the request status of the service option.


Specifies a numeric value indicating whether to track this service option as an asset in CA APM, as follows:

0 - No

1 - Yes

Note: This attribute is relevant only when CA Service Catalog is integrated with CA APM.

You can verify whether a service option uses this attribute, as follows: View the value of the Track as an Asset field on the Service Option Element Options window--Options tab.

You identify service options in conditions by their row number in the service option group. On the CA Service Catalog GUI, you can find this row number by selecting Catalog, Service Offerings, Option Groups. Click the service option group on left pane, and click the Definition tab on right pane.

When you do so, each service option in the group appears in a table; each row contains one service option. In the condition, specify the row number of the service option of interest. For example, suppose row 2 contains a service option named Windows server. In that case, specify the following conditions to include this service option.

For a global policy: $(_.sog['sogname'].serviceoption[2]

For an attached policy: $(_.serviceoption


Consider the following examples.

Examples with the Match Function

Consider the following examples: