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Archive the Data in SQL Server 2008

This section describes archiving the data in SQL Server 2008.

Note: We recommend that you use MS SQL Server Management Studio to execute the stored procedure.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to MDB as usm_user or sa using MS SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. Click New Query and enter the following in the new query window.
  3. Replace the values inside the carets (< >) with the required data.
    USE [<mdb instance name>]
    DECLARE	@return_value int
    EXEC	@return_value = [dbo].[usm_sp_archive_data]
    		@p_object_type = N'< Object Type >',
    		@p_date = N'<Completion Date on or before - yyyy-mm-dd>',
    		@p_bu = N'<Business Unit>'
    SELECT	'Return Value' = @return_value
    MDB Instance Name

    Specifies the MDB instance name that CA Service Catalog uses.

    Object Type

    Specifies the type of objects to archive and purge, as follows:


    Archives or purges requests that are in completed status and related data (including audit data).


    Archives or purges audit entries for all objects.

    Completion Date on or before – yyyy-mm-dd

    Archives or purges only requests that are completed on or before this date.

    Business Unit

    Archives or purges the records of this business unit.

  4. Click Execute.

    The result appears on the Messages tab.

The data is archived.