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Add Attachments

You can add attachments for a request or a service option, if the administrator for your business unit has enabled these features for your role. If you want to add attachments for a request or service option but do not see the corresponding option on the UI, contact your administrator. The UI behavior varies slightly depending on whether the service uses a shopping cart or one-click submit. The service designer selects one of these options when configuring the details of the service.

Note: To enable these features, administrators select Catalog, Configuration, Request Management Configuration. To let users add attachments for a request, use the Access Control: Show General Information option. To let users add attachments for a service option, use the Allow Attachments at Service Option Level option. For details about setting configuration options, see the Implementation Guide.

  1. If necessary, click Home, Requests.
  2. Perform the action that applies:
  3. Add attachments to a service option, as follows:
    1. In the My Selections box, click Show Details.

      This box appears near the top left portion of the screen.

    2. Find the service option and click the Add Attachment icon in the Action column.

      The Add Attachment dialog appears.

    3. Browse to the file or files that you want to attach and select them.
    4. Verify the display name and optionally enter a description. Click OK.

      Note: To delete an attached file, locate the file in the Attachments box, scroll right, and click the Delete icon. To update the display name or description of an attached file, click the Edit icon.

  4. Add attachments to the request, as follows:
    1. Verify that the service contains only one service option. If the service contains multiple service options, you cannot add notes to the entire request.
    2. Scroll down to the Attachments box on the right side of the page and click Add. The Attachments box appears under the Request Information box and under the Notes box.
    3. Browse to the file or files that you want to attach and select them.
    4. Verify the display name and optionally enter a description. Click OK.

      The note for the previous step also applies to this step.

You have added attachments.