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VM Reservation Fails: Could Not Find Computer UID for Software Delivery


After you provision a VM and then deploy the Software Delivery agent, the agent does not register back to the Software Delivery server with a unique computer UID. The computer UID is required to identify the computer system. An event message similar to the following displays in the UI dashboard:

A reservation task has failed. Reservation ID: n; System Name: host_name Task: 2 Software installation; Reason: "The status of a system preparation job has been updated: Target computer = host_name, Description = DCRM request, Previous job status = Scheduled, Current job status = Failed, Could not find computer UID for SD Agent deployed on host_name".


This failure has two possible causes:

  1. When deployment of the Software Delivery agent takes longer than normal. To resolve this issue, increase the amount of time the Software Delivery service waits before failing the task. Increase the amount of time by increasing the number of times the computer UID lookup is attempted before failing the operation.
    1. Open the casdaconf.cfg file located on the CA ITCM domain manager where the Software Delivery service was installed.
    2. Locate the following configuration file setting, increase the value, and save the file:
      SD_DSM_Find_Computer_Retry_Count =3
    3. Restart Apache on the system where the Software Delivery service is installed for the change to take effect, and then retry the reservation operation.
  2. An issue with the Common Application Framework (CAF). To resolve this issue, restart CAF using the following steps:
    1. Open a Command Prompt and type “caf stop”
    2. After the CAF services are stopped, type “caf start”
    3. After the CAF services are restarted, retry the reservation operation.