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View Systems in the Reservation Manager Inventory

The following procedure explains how to view systems in the Reservation Manager inventory.

To view systems in the Reservation Manager inventory

  1. Log in to the Reservation Manager using the CA Server Automation administrator user credentials.

    The home page opens.

  2. Click Administer Your Reservation Manager.

    The Administration page opens.

  3. Click the Manage your system inventory link.

    The System Inventory page opens. For each system in the Reservation Manager inventory, the System Inventory page lists the system name, the hardware class, model, processor, the number of CPUs, the amount of memory, location, and the amount of disk space each system has.

    Note: If a CA Configuration Automation agent has been installed on these systems, the CPUs, Memory (in megabytes), and Disk Space (in megabytes) values must already be set. On systems without a CA Configuration Automation agent, set these attributes before users can reserve the systems.

  4. (Optional) If you need more details about the system, click the system name in the Name column.

    The System Details page opens for the selected system and displays system properties and associated resource pools. The Properties tab provides additional information like Location, Serial Number, IP Address, and MAC Address.