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Create a Resource Pool by Importing Inventory

You can set up a resource pool quickly by linking it to a CA Server Automation Service.

To create a resource pool by importing inventory

  1. As an administrator on the Reservation Manager home page, click Manage your resource pools.

    The Resource Pools page opens.

  2. Select Import Inventory from the Actions drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the Resource Pools list.

    The Import Inventory wizard opens. Use the wizard to populate the Reservation Manager inventory with the physical systems that are members of the CA Server Automation service that you created.

  3. Complete the Select Service wizard page, and click Next.

    The Reservation Manager creates a resource pool with the same name as the CA Server Automation Service and imports all systems in the CA Server Automation Service to its inventory. A confirmation message displays when the process completes successfully. The wizard closes and the Import Service page opens to display the Resource Pools list.