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Static IP Addresses for IBM PowerVM Logical Partitions

IBM PowerVM logical partitions require static IP addresses. These IP addresses must be DNS resolvable and correspond to a NIM Machine Resource configuration on the NIM Master. For this release, with the introduction of Dynamic NIM Machine resources, you can do the following:

Administrator does not need to precreate the configurations on the NIM Master.

Note:The pre-existing NIM Machine resource configurations are still used and will not be removed on reservation expiration or cancelation.

Important! Network address pools must be unique to IBM PowerVM. Do not add IP address ranges for virtual machines in the same network address pool as IBM PowerVM.

When a user creates a reservation, an IP address is assigned to it from a range of IP addresses the administrator defined. When a reservation is fulfilled or canceled, the IP address is released and made available for another reservation.

More information:

Define Network Address Pools