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Define Network Address Pools

The first step in enabling static IP addresses at your site is defining network address pools in the main user interface of the product. Network address pools consist of a range of IP addresses.

Note: Reservation Manager does not permit editing or deleting a network address pool that has been used for reservations. If you must change something like the IP address range, make a new network address pool. Also, deleting a network associated with a VM or logical partition is not allowed.

To define network address pools

  1. Enter the following URL in your web browser and log in using administrator credentials.

    Note: The default port is 8443.

    The main product interface appears.

  2. Click Resources.
  3. Click a data center in the left pane, and select Management, Manage Network Address Pools.

    The Network Address Pools dialog appears.

  4. Click + (New), and enter information in the required fields, which are Network Address Pool Name, IP Address, Subnet Mask, and VLAN ID. Click Next.

    A new page for entering network information appears.

  5. Enter information in the required fields, which are Default Gateway, Preferred DNS Server, and Domain Name. The unrequired fields are optional. Click Next.

    A dialog for IP address ranges appears.

  6. Enter information in the required fields, which are Starting IP Address, Ending IP Address, and Type (choose Static). Click Add.

    Note: When defining network address pools, verify that the static IP address ranges are not also assigned to another type of data center.

    The Virtual Hosts pane appears.

  7. Select one or more virtual hosts, click Add, and then click Finish.

    Note: Each virtual host must be associated with the network before IP addresses can be assigned to VMs created on the host.

    Note: This step is optional at pool creation time. However, it must be performed before reservations are made.

    The network address pool is created.

    Note: Network address pools are not accessible for use until you explicitly grant access to users. See VLAN Scoping for instructions.