Previous Topic: (Optional) Specify Access Control Lists at the Policy Level

Next Topic: Distribute Policies to Server Groups

(Optional) Specify SNMP Settings and Access Control Lists at the Server Level

In exceptional cases, you can specify SNMP settings and an Access Control List for particular managed systems.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Resources, Explore in the user interface.

    The Explore pane appears.

  2. Expand the Explore tree and right-click the system for which you want to specify SNMP credentials and an Access Control List.
  3. Select Policy, Cofigure SNMP Settings from the pop-up menu.

    The SNMP Settings dialog lists the valid SNMP settings for that system.

  4. Click Add.

    The New SNMP Settings dialog appears.

  5. Specify Name, Port, Community String, the type of operation (read-only or read-write), SNMP version, port, timeout, and retry limit. Use the port number of the installed SystemEDGE on the server. Click OK.
  6. Close the dialogs, change to the selected system page, and click the Monitoring Software, SNMP Access Control tab.

    The specified system-specific SNMP Community Settings are listed.

  7. Click the Edit link from the Access Control List column.

    The system-specific Access Control List dialog appears.

  8. Enter manager system names into the SNMP Access Control List field and click OK.

    The managed system accepts SNMP requests from manager systems that you list in the ACL.

  9. Click Save.

Distribute the policy to the appropriate server group.

More information:

Distribute Policies to Server Groups