Previous Topic: Apply Global SNMP Settings and Access Control Lists to Policies

Next Topic: (Optional) Specify SNMP Settings and Access Control Lists at the Server Level

(Optional) Specify Access Control Lists at the Policy Level

After you specified your global SNMP settings with optional global ACLs for a policy, you can define ACLs at the policy level.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the policy page, select the second or third option, to apply global SNMP settings from the table:
  2. Select a global SNMP Settings object from the table and click the View or None Defined link.

    The ACL dialog opens.

  3. Add the names or IP addresses of the manager systems into the Policy-specific SNMP Access Control Lists field and click OK.

    The servers of the server group, to which you want to apply this policy, accept SNMP requests from these manager systems.

  4. Click Save Policy.

You can distribute the policy to the appropriate server group or specify additional ACLs at the system level if necessary.

More information:

(Optional) Specify SNMP Settings and Access Control Lists at the Server Level

Distribute Policies to Server Groups