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Storage Create NAS Datastore

Creates a NAS (NFS, CIFS, MixedMode) datastore.



vCenter Name

Specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the VMware vCenter server.

Example: “”

ESX Name

Specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the ESX Server.

Example: “”

Datastore Name

Specifies the name of the datastore.

Example: “mystore10”

Access Mode

Specifies the access mode for the mount point. Available values are “readOnly” or “readWrite”.

Example: “readOnly”

Host Name

Specifies the host running the NFS server.

Example: “nfsserverhost01”

Host Path

Specifies the remote path of the NFS mount point.

Example: “/vol/nfsmountpoint_01/nfsmountpoint”


Specifies the type of NAS volume. Available values are "CIFS" or "NFS".

Default: "NFS"