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History Table Columns

Following are the columns of the History table:

Note: For more information about the History table columns, see the MIB specification (empire.asn1 in the mib subdirectory of the agent installation) and the chapter “Systems Management Empire MIB.”


Identifies the row in the History Control table of which this sample is a part. It has the same value as the empireHistoryCtrlIndex for the corresponding entry in the control table.


Specifies the index that uniquely identifies the particular sample this represents among all samples associated with the same history control entry. This index starts at 1 and increases by one as each new sample is stored.


Specifies the time, based on sysUptime, at which the first sample was taken.


Specifies the time, based on sysUptime, at which this particular sample was taken.


Specifies the current value of the MIB variable taken at this sample.