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History Control Table Columns

The following list describes the columns of the History Control table:


Specifies an integer (1 to MAXINT) that uniquely identifies the entry in the table.


Describes the data collection function defined by this entry.


Specifies an integer value indicating how often (in seconds) the agent should sample the MIB variable.

Note: The interval must be a multiple of 30 seconds.


Specifies the complete object instance identifier of the MIB variable to be sampled.

Note: You must include the instance portion of the object identifier (for example, .0 for scalars). The object instance must exist and must be contained within the Systems Management Empire MIB.

For example, any supported (INTEGER-based) object in MIB-II, the Host Resources MIB, or the Systems Management Empire MIB is valid. Objects should be of integer type including counter, gauge, integer, or enumerated integer.


Specifies the ASN1/SNMP type of the MIB variable that the agent is sampling.


Specifies the requested number of discrete samples to be saved in the History table. Depending on available resources, the agent sets the empireHistoryBucketsGrant column as close to this value as possible.


Specifies the actual number of discrete samples that the agent will save in the History table for the data collection function defined by this entry. The agent keeps the most recent BucketsGrant number of samples.


Specifies the last time, based on sysUptime, that a sample was taken on behalf of this entry.


Specifies the time, based on sysUptime, at which this history sampling function was created.


Specifies the status of the entry, which can be one of the following:

These values are defined in the SNMPv2 SMI RowStatus textual convention.

Setting the status to destroy(6) causes the agent to discontinue history sampling for this entry, and to delete both this row and the corresponding data sample rows in the History table.


Represents a bit field. Setting one or more bits changes the behavior of this entry.

000 000 80 - Entry is created by an AIM plugin (Read-only)

000 001 00 - Collects performance cube data

Note: For more information about the History Control table, see the specification empire.asn1 in the mib subdirectory of the agent installation and the chapter “Systems Management Empire MIB.”