Reference Guide › AutoShell › AutoShell Loadable Modules' Command Reference › CA Microsoft Hyper-V AutoShell Commands › dpmhv-getPhysDisks (Funclet) Command--Show all Physical Disks
dpmhv-getPhysDisks (Funclet) Command--Show all Physical Disks
The dpmhv-getPhysDisks command lists the physical disks to attach to virtual machines on a Hyper-V server. The physical disks should be displayed in offline status in Windows Disk Manager.
This command has the following format:
-host hostname
- -host hostname
Specifies the name of the Hyper-V server host.
- -retval
Returns a value for further processing.
- -silent
Specifies not to direct the output to the screen.
- -detail
(Optional) Displays the details of the physical disks attached to a virtual machine.
- Return Value
The dpmhv-getPhysDisks command returns an array of objects representing the SCSI controllers of the specified virtual machine.
The properties returned in regular mode are:
- Caption
- DriveNumber
- ElementName
- Name
- Path
- StatusDescriptions
The properties returned in detail mode are:
- AdditionalAvailability
- Availability
- Capabilities
- CapabilityDescriptions
- Caption
- CompressionMethod
- CreationClassName
- DefaultBlockSize
- Description
- DeviceID
- DriveNumber
- ElementName
- EnabledDefault
- EnabledState
- ErrorCleared
- ErrorDescription
- ErrorMethodology
- HealthState
- IdentifyingDescriptions
- InstallDate
- LastCleaned
- LastErrorCode
- LoadTime
- LocationIndicator
- MaxAccessTime
- MaxBlockSize
- MaxMediaSize
- MaxQuiesceTime
- MaxUnitsBeforeCleaning
- MediaIsLocked
- MinBlockSize
- MountCount
- Name
- NeedsCleaning
- NumberOfMediaSupported
- OperationalStatus
- OtherEnabledState
- OtherIdentifyingInfo
- Path
- PowerManagementCapabilities
- PowerManagementSupported
- PowerOnHours
- RequestedState
- Security
- Status
- StatusDescriptions
- StatusInfo
- SystemCreationClassName
- SystemName
- TimeOfLastMount
- TimeOfLastStateChange
- TotalMountTime
- TotalPowerOnHours
- UncompressedDataRate
- UnitsDescription
- UnitsUsed
- UnloadTime
Example: Show all Physical Disks
This example displays the basic information about the physical disk attached to a virtual machine.
dpmhv-getPhysDisks -host hvserver
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