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CA Microsoft Hyper-V AutoShell Commands

You can use the AutoShell to script and automate CA Hyper-V AutoShell Commands and run actions based on the command results. Corresponding commands are also available in the CLI.

Note: The vmname option is not unique in the Hyper-V server environment. You can specify a VM by vmname for convenience. However, if the vmname is not unique, the command fails. In this case you must use the vmid option instead. You cannot use the following parameter pair in an AutoShell command: vmname, vmid and template, templateid. For example, if you use vmname, you cannot use vmid.

More Information

dpmhv-addVMNic (Cmdlet) Command--Add a Network Interface Controller to a VM

dpmhv-addVMSCSIController (Cmdlet) Command--Add SCSI Controllers to a VM

dpmhv-changeVMState (Cmdlet) Command--Change the State of a VM

dpmhv-createTemplateFromVM (Funclet) Command--Create a Template from a VM

dpmhv-createVM (Funclet) Command--Create a VM

dpmhv-createVMFromTemplateEx (Funclet) Command--Create a VM Using a Template

dpmhv-createVirtDisk (Funclet) Command--Create a Virtual Disk

dpmhv-createVirtFloppy (Cmdlet) Command--Create a Virtual Floppy

dpmhv-destroyTemplate (Cmdlet) Command--Delete a Template

dpmhv-destroyVM (Cmdlet) Command--Delete VM

dpmhv-expandVirtDisk (Funclet) Command--Expand Virtual Disk

dpmhv-exportVM (Funclet) Command--Export a VM

dpmhv-exportVMEx (Funclet) Command--Export a VM

dpmhv-getHostSwitches (Funclet) Command--Show Host Switches on a Hyper-V Host

dpmhv-getJobInfo (Funclet) Command--Show Job Information

dpmhv-getPhysDisks (Funclet) Command--Show all Physical Disks

dpmhv-getVMInfo (Funclet) Command--Show all VMs

dpmhv-getVMProperties (Funclet) Command--Show VM Properties

dpmhv-getVMState (Funclet) Command--Show the VM State

dpmhv-getVersion (Funclet) Command--Show the Web Service Version

dpmhv-importVM (Funclet) Command--Import a VM

dpmhv-importVMEx (Funclet) Command--Copy and Import VM

dpmhv-setSysprepProperties (Cmdlet) Command--Create a Virtual Disk

dpmhv-setVMClustered (Cmdlet) Command--Set a VM in a Cluster

dpmhv-setVMDisk (Funclet) Command--Create a Drive or Disk on a Drive Controller

dpmhv-setVMProperties (Cmdlet) Command--Set VM Properties

dpmhv-SetVMVirtFloppy (Cmdlet) Command--Connect a Virtual Floppy Image to the VM Floppy Drive

dpmhv-ShowClusterSharedVolumes (Funclet) Command--Show all Cluster Shared Volumes

dpmhv-ShowHosts (Funclet) Command--Show all Hyper-V Servers

dpmhv-ShowTemplates (Funclet) Command--Show Templates on a Hyper-V Host

dpmhv-ShowVMDisks (Funclet) Command--Show all Virtual Disks

dpmhv-showVMFloppy (Funclet) Command--Show the Properties of Floppy Drive

dpmhv-showVMNICs (Funclet) Command--Show all Network Interface Cards

dpmhv-showVMSCSI (Funclet) Command--Show all SCSI Controllers

dpmhyperv ShowVMs (Funclet) Command--Get all VMs