Reference Guide › AutoShell › AutoShell Loadable Modules' Command Reference › CA Microsoft Hyper-V AutoShell Commands › dpmhv-ShowSCVMMHardwareProfiles (Funclet) Command--Show all SCVMM Hardware Profiles
dpmhv-ShowSCVMMHardwareProfiles (Funclet) Command--Show all SCVMM Hardware Profiles
The dpmhv-ShowSCVMMHardwareProfiles command displays a list of hardware profiles, defined by Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), that are available for a VM when creating a VM using an SCVMM template.
This command has the following format:
-scvmmHost scvmmHostname
- -scvmmHost scvmmHostname
(Optional) Specifies the host name of the Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) library server. This parameter is valid when you use SCVMM integration to provision VMs.
- -retval
Returns a value for further processing.
- -silent
Specifies not to direct the output to the screen.
- -detail
(Optional) Displays the details of the list of directories.
- Return Value
The dpmhv-ShowSCVMMHardwareProfiles command returns an array of objects which represents a hardware profile defined under specified library server.
The following properties are returned in regular mode:
- CPUCount
- Description
- Memory
- Name
The following properties are returned in detail mode:
- Accessibility
- AddedTime
- BootOrder[]
- Connection
- CPUCount
- CPUMax
- CPUReserve
- CPUType
- ID
- IsFullyCached
- MarkedForDeletion
- Name
- ServerConnection
- Description
- DiskIO
- Enabled
- ExpectedCPUUtilization
- HostDrive
- ID
- IsFullyCached
- IsHighlyAvailable
- LimitCPUForMigration
- LimitCPUFunctionality
- MarkedForDeletion
- Memory
- ModifiedTime
- MostRecentTask
- Name
- NetworkUtilization
- NumLockEnabled
- ObjectType
- Owner
- RelativeWeight
- ServerConnection
- CPUPriority
- Channel
- CompanyName
- DatabaseInstanceName
- DatabaseName
- DatabaseServerName
- DiskIOPriority
- EvaluationDaysLeft
- FullyQualifiedDomainName
- IsConnected
- IsEvaluationVersion
- IsWorkgroupEdition
- LibraryRefresherEnabled
- LibraryRefresherFrequency
- MOMReportingEnabled
- MOMReportingServerURL
- MemoryPriority
- MinimumSupportedAgentVersion
- NetworkPriority
- ObjectCache
- OpsMgrReportingEnabled
- OpsMgrReportingServerURL
- OpsMgrServer
- PROAutomationLevel
- PROMonitoringLevel
- PhysicalAddressRangeEnd
- PhysicalAddressRangeStart
- PlacementGoal
- ProductID
- ProductVersion
- Profile
- SelfServiceContactEmail
- ServerInterfaceVersion
- UserName
- VMConnectDefaultPort
- VMRCAccessAccount
- VMRCDefaultPort
- ShareSCSIBus
- UndoDisksEnabled
- VirtualCOMPorts[]
- VirtualDVDDrives[]
- VirtualFloppyDrive
- ServerConnection
- VirtualFloppyDisk
- VirtualNetworkAdapters[]
- VirtualSCSIAdapters[]
Example: Show all SCVMM Hardware Profiles
This example displays the hardware profiles on the SCVMM library server SCVMMLibSrv.
-scvmmHost SCVMMLibSrv
Example: Show Hardware Profiles for more than one CPU
This example displays all hardware profiles defined for more than one CPU core.
profs = dpmhv-showSCVMMHardwareProfiles -scvmmHost SCVMM -retval -silent
for each(prof in profs)
if(prof.CPUCount > 1)
? prof.Name, "has more than 1 CPU cores"
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