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dpmhv-ShowDirectories (Funclet) Command--Show all Directories

The dpmhv-ShowDirectories command displays all subdirectories under a specified directory within a system. The specified system can be Hyper-V server or a Windows system with remote WMI enabled.

This command has the following format:

-host hostname 
-dir dir 
-host hostname

Specifies the name of the Hyper-V server host.

-dir dir

Specifies the name of the directory.


Returns a value for further processing.


Specifies not to direct the output to the screen.


(Optional) Displays the details of the list of directories.

Return Value

The dpmhv-ShowDirectories command returns an array of objects which represents a subdirectory under the specified parent directory.

The following properties are returned in regular mode:

Example: Show all Directories

This example displays the subdirectories under the root directory (c: drive) of the host hvserver.

-host hvserver 
-dir c:\

Example: Show all Directories under Program Files

This example displays the subdirectories of "C:\Program Files".

    function walkDir(sPath)
      dirs = dpmhv-showDirectories -host hvserver -dir (sPath) -retval -silent
      for each (subdir in dirs)
        ? subdir.Name
    walkDir("C:\Program Files");