Previous Topic: Customize the RSI Server Package

Next Topic: Register the RSI Agent Packages

Deploy the RSI Server

Use CA Server Automation to deploy the customized RSI Server package that was registered in CA ITCM.

  1. Click Resources, right-click Data Center in the Explore tree, and select Packaging, Manage Packages.

    The Packages, Packages tab opens.

  2. Select the Domain Server that the RSI Server package is registered with.
  3. Select the Racemi DynaCenter MWS package from the Available Packages section, and click the down arrow to move it to the Selected Packages section.
  4. Click Save.

    A confirmation message notifies you that the Managed Packages list is updated. The RSI Server package is ready to deploy.

  5. Right-click Data Center in the Explore tree, and select Packaging, Deploy Software.

    The Managed Resource section appears.

  6. Select the managed server for RSI Server package deployment.
  7. Select the Racemi DynaCenter MWS package, select procedure Install, and the domain server to use.
  8. Click OK.

    Note: If there is no CA Software Delivery agent installed on the target server, a dialog opens prompting you to install the agent.

  9. Enter valid credentials for the target server, scalability server name, operating system type, and click OK.

    The panel submits a request to install the RSI Server package to the selected server.