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Deploy RSI Images

After RSI is installed and configured, you can deploy previously captured RSI images to physical servers and virtual machines.

Note: This procedure is the basic RSI image deployment to a server or virtual machine already set up with an operating system and RSI agent. For more complex image deployments see Deploy RSI Images to Bare-Metal Servers and Deploy RSI Images to AppLogic.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, right-click the machine to deploy to in the Explore tree, and select Provisioning, Deploy Image.

    The Deploy Image wizard opens.

  2. Select the RSI Server and Depot to use, and the Images to deploy.
  3. (Optional) If multiple networks are registered, select the network to use for deployment.
  4. Enter the Target MAC of the machine to host the image.
  5. (Optional) Select Scale to deploy only the parts of the image containing data, and set a Profile URL of an external file containing deployment parameters.
  6. (Windows Only) Select a Driver Set to deploy.

    Note: After you successfully deploy a Windows image, Windows runs chkdsk. The target system automatically restarts, then Windows runs PnP (plug-and-play) and installs drivers.

  7. (Optional) Specify a Host Name to apply to the machine hosting the image and select the Network Interfaces to use.

    Note: Setting a host name overrides the host name in the image or in a profile.

  8. Click OK.

    The wizard submits a request to deploy the image to the target machine. Track the progress of the deployment in the Jobs pane.