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Deploy RSI Images to CA AppLogic

After RSI is installed and configured, you can deploy previously captured RSI images as new applications in a CA AppLogic grid. CA Server Automation combines CA AppLogic operating system application deployment with RSI image deployment to provide a complete instance meeting your software requirements.

Note: The CA AppLogic grid must have a deployed RSI server which shares the depot containing the images to deploy.

Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the CA AppLogic grid to deploy to, and select Provisioning, Deploy Image.
  2. Select the RSI server in the grid, the shared depot, and the image to deploy. Set the boot network and domain according to the settings for the RSI server in the grid, and click Next.
  3. Select the Grid Name to deploy to, the Template Name to create an instance of, and input an Application Name.

    The Constrain by Resources section populates with resource limits and default settings from the template.

    Important! The template must be an OS template matching the OS for the image.

  4. Set the CPU, Memory, and Bandwidth values for the application, and click Next.
  5. Review the details for image deployment to the select OS application and click Finish.

    CA Server Automation submits a request to deploy the image to a new instance of the OS application template in the selected grid with the specified resource allocations. Track the progress of the deployment in the Jobs pane.