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Deploy CA ITCM Software Packages or Groups

CA Server Automation integrates with CA ITCM to enable you to deploy software packages and package groups during service provisioning. You can define an application to deploy a software package, or add software package deployment as an additional action to apply as part of the definition of another application.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, and in the Explore tree, select Applications. In the Applications pane, click the tool icon for the application to Edit.
  2. Select the Installation Actions tab.
  3. Click + (Add).

    The Define Action wizard opens in the Select Installation Action panel.

    Note: If you are adding actions during Define Applications, start from this step.

  4. Select ITCM Package or ITCM Package Group from the Action drop-down list.
  5. For Packages, specify the ITCM Server, the Package, and the Procedure to use to deploy the package.

    For Package Groups, specify the Package Group to use.

    Note: Only Selected Packages and Package Groups that are set up for use in CA Server Automation are available for selection.

  6. Add a description, modify the supported operating systems for the specified package or group as required, and click Finish.

    The wizard adds the Action to the Action list in the Installation Actions panel.

    Note: Specifying supported operating systems for actions as well as applications enables you to define separate OS-specific actions. An action only executes when an application deploys to the specified operating systems for the action. For example, define an application that supports Windows and Linux, and specify separate .bat and .sh actions for Windows and Linux respectively.

  7. (Optional) Repeat steps 3 through 6 to add additional actions to apply during application execution. Use the up and down arrows to specify the order in which to execute actions.
  8. Click OK.

    Note: If you are adding actions during Define Applications, click Finish.

    CA Server Automation modifies the application definition to execute the defined actions when it is deployed during service provisioning.