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Next Topic: Execute Application Installation

Define Applications

The initial step in service provisioning defines the set of applications available to construct service templates and the actions that are required to execute them.

Note: CA Server Automation uses a default Staging directory in its installation folder to store executable files for service provisioning.

Follow these steps:

  1. Copy any required application files to a new folder in the Staging directory.

    Important! Licensing restrictions prohibit CA Technologies from providing licensed application files. Provide your own licensed versions.

    Note: For some use cases, such as CA ITCM package deployment, application files are not required.

  2. Click Resources, and in the Explore tree, right-click OnDemand Services, and select New Application.

    The Define an Application wizard opens in the Application Details panel.

  3. Specify the Name, Description, Version, and Vendor for the application.
  4. (Optional) Specify a semi-colon separated list of Tags to enable you to organize applications into user-defined groups in the Explore tree.
  5. Specify the File Location which is the folder in the Staging Directory containing the executable files for the application.
  6. (Optional) Specify any prerequisite applications that must also execute to enable the successful deployment of this application.

    Note: Define prerequisite applications using this procedure.

  7. (Optional) Specify any restrictions for the application. For example, one instance per server or one instance per service.
  8. Click Next.

    The System Requirements panel opens.

  9. Specify the resource requirements for the application, the supported operating systems, and click Next.

    The Configuration Installation Actions panel opens.

  10. (Optional) Click + to define the actions that are required to deploy the application during service provisioning.

    The Define an Action wizard opens.

    Use the Action input and refer to the referenced procedure to specify any of the following actions:

    Execute Application Installation

    Specify an application file from the Staging Directory and any execution action options that are required to deploy it.

    Note: Specifying an application file may not be required in the following use cases:

    • You want to deploy CA ITCM software packages.
    • The application is a captured VM template that already contains a pre-installed application.
    Execute Commands

    Specify any additional commands that are required to enable the successful deployment of an application.

    Create and Update Files

    Create or modify any configuration or property files that are required for the successful deployment of an application.

    Deploy CA ITCM Software Packages or Groups

    Deploy CA ITCM software packages, either as standalone application definitions, or as part of the deployment of another application.

    Execute CA Process Automation Processes

    Execute a process workflow defined in CA Process Automation, either as a standalone application definition, or as part of the deployment of another application.

    Note: Only applications with defined actions execute during provisioning. The referenced procedures assume that you skip setting actions during application definition and modify the definition later.

  11. (Optional) If CA Server Automation is integrated with CA Configuration Automation, click Next and specify any Blueprints to associate with the application. Blueprints provide benchmark software deployments to compare against current deployments.

    Note: For more information about blueprints, see the CA Configuration Automation documentation.

  12. Click Finish.

    The wizard adds the application to the list in the Applications pane. The application is now available for use in service template creation.