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Define Traps and Communities

SNMP settings define the communities that the agent uses and the destinations to which it sends traps.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Resources tab, open the Configure pane, expand Policies, and click SystemEDGE.

    The Available Policies page appears.

  2. Select the policy in the Available Policies table.

    The Summary page for the policy appears.

  3. Click the Traps and Communities tab.

    The Communities page appears.

  4. Select one of the following, click Action, and select Apply:

    The SNMP settings are updated and the community page in the Communities table displays the following:


    Specifies the name of the community string.


    Specifies the port of SNMP.

    SNMP Version

    Specifies the SNMP version that the community uses.

    Access Rights

    Specifies whether the community should have read-write or read-only permissions.

    Note: Add at least one read-only and one read-write community.


    Specifies the community name.

    Authentication Protocol

    Specifies the protocol to authenticate SNMPv3 data.

    Privacy Protocol

    Specifies the protocol to authenticate SNMPv3 data.

    Access Control List

    Specifies a space separated list of IP addresses to restrict community usage to those addresses only. If you leave the list blank, the agent grants access to any system that uses the associated community name. Access lists are only for communities that use SNMPv1.

    Note: For information about defining SNMPv2c and SNMPv3 access lists, see the SystemEDGE User Guide.

  5. (Optional) Add, update, or delete other communities as necessary.
  6. Click Save Policy.

    The policy is saved.

  7. Click Trap Destinations.

    The Trap Destinations page appears.

  8. Define a trap destination using the following controls and click Add:
    Trap Type

    Specifies the type of trap to send, depending on the SNMP version.


    Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address to which to send traps.


    Specifies the UDP port to which to send traps.


    Specifies the community name sent with the traps.


    (Optional) Specifies how to include the source address you defined in the Trap Source field of the Control Settings pane in traps. This parameter is important if the trap source translates to an IPv6 address. Enter the encoding parameter in a three-digit format XYZ, assuming leading zeros.

    Default: 000


    Controls extending the four byte IPv4 source address field (SNMPv1 traps only). Enter 0 to not extend the source address field to include the 16 byte IPv6 address, and enter 1 to extend the source address field.


    Controls the inclusion of source information into the trap's varbind (Y) or UDP packet (Z; SNMPv1 traps only). Enter one of the following for these digits:

    0: Do not modify the trap's varbind or the outer UDP packet.

    1: Include the trap_source parameter as is in the varbind or packet (IPv4/IPv6 address or host name).

    2: Include the trap_source parameter preferably as an IPv4 address (then IPv6 address, then host name).

    3: Include the trap_source parameter preferably as an IPv6 address (then IPv4 address, then host name).

    4: Include the trap_source parameter preferably as a host name (then IPv4, then IPv6).

    5: Follow the preference for 2 and include the host name.

    6: Follow the preference for 3 and include the host name.

    7: Follow the preference for 1 and include the host name (if trap_source is an IPv6 address).

    Trap Source

    (Optional) Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address or the host name to use as trap source.

    Default: Global Trap

    The trap destination appears in the Defined Trap Destinations table.

  9. (Optional) Add, update, or delete other trap destinations as necessary.
  10. Click Save Policy.

    The policy is saved.

Note: For more information, see the SystemEDGE User Guide.