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Define an Action Sequence

You can define action sequences for your rules. If the conditions for a rule evaluate to true, the action sequence that you defined runs. You can also create custom conditions and build them into your sequence.

Note: The action sequence can also be scheduled as a job or can be run using the dpmpolicy runaction CLI command.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Explore pane, select the Data Center node.
  2. Click Resources, Policy, and then click the Action tab.

    The Actions page appears.

  3. Click + (Add new action).

    The Action Definition: New section appears.

  4. Type a meaningful name for the action sequence, and then select Run Action Sequence from the Type drop-down menu.

    The Condition Logic section appears.

  5. Leave the Restart if Interrupted check box selected to restart the sequence after an abnormal termination. The sequence restarts the last action that was executed and continues. Clear the check box to prevent the sequence from continuing after an abnormal termination.
  6. Click + (Add action) in the Action Sequence pane to add actions to the action sequence. Add Action adds a new action at the end of the action sequence. If you want to insert an action in the middle of the sequence, remove all actions after the desired position. Insert the new action, and then redefine the actions that you removed.
  7. Select a condition to build your condition logic for the action sequence. New condition logic can only be added to the end of the condition logic sequence. If you want to insert new condition logic in the middle of the sequence, remove all condition logic after the desired insertion point. Insert the new condition logic, and then redefine the condition logic that you removed.
  8. Select the type of condition logic evaluation for each additional condition logic sequence. Output Types include the following:

    Evaluates the action return code.

    Note: Valid comparison operators for Return Code evaluation are: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=


    Searches the standard output for a specific string.


    Searches the standard error for a specific string.

    Note: Valid comparison operators for STDOUT and STDERR are "Contains" and "Does Not Contain".

    Note: You can use the Logic OP field (AND/OR) to link conditions. Logic OP is set to NOOP automatically for the final condition.

    The new condition logic is added to the sequence.

  9. When you complete your conditions, click Save Condition.

    The condition is saved.

  10. Click Save in the Action Sequence pane.

    The action is saved.

    For testing purposes, you can run the action from the Actions page by selecting the action and clicking the Run action icon.