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Create WebLogic Service Template

Service provisioning is the creation of a working instance of a service that is based on a service template. In this procedure, you create a service template for WebLogic Server deployment that consists of the application that you have already defined, and the number of machines that are required to host the service.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Resources, and in the Explore tree, right-click OnDemand Services, and select New Service Template.

    The Create Service Template panel opens.

  2. Input a name and description for the service template and select the number of machines that are required to host the service. The number of machines depends on the expected load of the server.
  3. Click Details to display the configuration of the machine. Leave all the values set to Auto. With this setting, the supported OS types of all applications in the template are checked during provisioning, and the most convenient VMware template is automatically selected.
  4. Specify a Service Information File. This HTML file is displayed to the end users at the end of the provisioning process informing them how to access the service.
  5. Select the Additional Applications check-box. This enables you to add applications to WebLogic Server during service provisioning.
  6. Click + (New) to add the WebLogic application to the service template.

    The Configure Service Template Application wizard opens in the Select Applications panel.

  7. Select WebLogic from the list of available defined applications and click Next.

    The Configure Installation Actions panel opens. Do not make any changes here.

  8. Click Next.

    The Confirm Application Configurations panel opens.

  9. Click Finish.

    The Create Service Template panel updates with the details of the application and machine to host it.

  10. Click OK.

    CA Server Automation adds the template to the list of service templates in the Explore tree. The service template is ready for provisioning.