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Add a New Hyper-V Server Connection to the Manager

You can add a Hyper-V connection using the Administration tab of the CA Server Automation user interface.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the CA Server Automation user interface from the Start menu. Click Administration, Configuration.

    The Configuration page appears.

  2. Select Hyper-V Server from the Provisioning section in the left pane.

    The right pane refreshes and displays the managed Hyper-V Servers.

  3. Click add (Add) on the Hyper-V Servers pane toolbar.

    The New Hyper-V Server dialog appears.

  4. Enter the required connection data (server name, user, password) and click OK.

    If the network connection has been established successfully, the Hyper-V Server is added to the top right Hyper-V Servers pane with a green status icon. CA Server Automation discovers the Hyper-V Server automatically.

    If the connection fails, the Validation Failed dialog appears. If you click Yes, CA Server Automation adds the Hyper-V Server to the list with a red status icon indicating a connection failure. If you click No, nothing is added. For troubleshooting the connection, see Troubleshoot the Hyper-V Server Connection.

More information:

(Optional) Add the SCVMM Management Instance to the CA Server Automation Manager

Discover the Servers

Verify the Hyper-V Server Folder in the Resources Tree

Hyper-V Server Connection Failed