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dpmvc-templatetovm Command--Convert Template to VM (Funclet)

The dpmvc-templatetovm command converts virtual machine templates back to VMs. This capability allows you to apply patches or software updates to the converted VM and then convert it back to a template, for example.

This command has the following format:

-template_name templatename 
{-datacenter_name datacentername | -vc vcenterservername}
-compute_resource_name hostname 
-resource_pool_name resourcepool 
-esx_host_name hostname 
-template_name templatename

Defines the name of the template.

-datacenter_name datacentername

Specifies the data center where the VM is located.

-vc vcenterservername

Specifies the vCenter Server where the VM is located.

-compute_resource_name name

Specifies the cluster or VMware ESX host where the VM is created.

-resource_pool_name resourcepool

Specifies the name of the resource pool from which you want to select the VM for cloning.

-esx_host_name esxhostname

Specifies the VMware ESX server where the VM resides.

Example: Convert a Template into a VM in a Single vCenter Server Environment

This example converts the template named convertTest into a VM.

dpmvc-templatetovm -datacenter_name VAS/MyCity -template_name convertTest 
-compute_resource_name onDemand/ -esx_host_name 
-resource_pool_name Resources/QA