The dpmvc vapp command supports the following operations on vApps:
The command has the following formats:
dpmvc-vapp -create
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath [-vapp_name vappname] [-cpu_allocation isExpandableReservation, limit, reservation, sharesLevel, shares] [-mem_allocation isExpandableReservation, limit, reservation, sharesLevel, shares]
dpmvc-vapp -clone
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath [-target_vapp_path targetvapppath] [-vapp_name vappname] [-target_vapp_host targetvapphost] [-target_vapp_datastore targetvappdatastore]
dpmvc-vapp [-power_on | -power_off | -suspend | -delete | -unregister ]
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath
dpmvc-vapp -add_vms_to_vapp
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath [-vapp_name vappname] [-vms vms]
dpmvc-vapp -add_rps_to_vapp
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath [-vapp_name vappname] [-rps resourcepool]
dpmvc-vapp -add_vapps_to_vapp
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath [-vapp_name vappname] [-vapps vapps] [-locale iso639value]
dpmvc-vapp -update_vapp_config
-vc_server vcservername -vapp_path vapppath [-vapp_name vappname] [-config_settings vappName,objecType,startAction,startDelay,startOrder,stopAction,stopDelay,waitForGuest] [-cpu_allocation isExpandableReservation, limit, reservation, sharesLevel, shares] [-mem_allocation isExpandableReservation, limit, reservation, sharesLevel, shares] [-locale iso639value]
Specifies the vCenter Server to access when you have multiple vCenter Servers. Optional for single vCenter Server environments.
Specifies the vApp path.
(Optional) Specifies the vApp name.
(Optional) Specifies the CPU allocation settings when updating a vApp configuration.
Specifies if the allocation is expandable. Possible values: true or false.
Specifies the allocation limit.
Specifies the reservation allocation.
Specifies the shares level that is 0 for low, 1 for normal, 2 for high and 3 for custom. e.g. true,-1,1000,1,4000
Specifies the allocation shares.
Specifies the memory allocation settings when updating a vApp configuration.
Specifies if the allocation is expandable. Possible values: true or false.
Specifies the allocation limit.
Specifies the reservation allocation.
Specifies the shares level that is 0 for low, 1 for normal, 2 for high and 3 for custom. e.g. true,-1,1000,1,4000
Specifies the allocation shares.
(Optional) Specifies the VMs you want to add to vApp.
(Optional) Specifies the name of the resource pool which you want to add to a vApp.
(Optional) Specifies the vApps you want to add to a vApp.
(Optional) Specifies the configuration settings of the vApp. Proper format is "
Specifies the start action. The available options are none or powerOn
Specifies the start action. The available options are none or powerOff or guestShutdown or suspend.
Specifies the target vApp path of the vApp you want to create.
(Optional) Specifies the host where the new vApp is to reside on.
(Optional) Specifies the name of the data store where the vApp is to reside on.
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