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Obtain the Status for an Agent

You can use the Agent Management console to obtain the status for a single agent or multiple agents. The status of an agent enables you to determine whether the agent is able to run PAM operators.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Agent Console button from the toolbar of the Configuration browser to access the Agent Management console.

    The console is populated with the following columns for the available agents:

    Agent Name

    Indicates the configured name during installation.

    Agent Hostname

    Indicates the host name of the server where the agent is installed.

    IP Address

    Indicates the IP address of the server where the agent is installed.


    Indicates whether the agent is active or inactive. Default value is blank.

    Status Updated

    Indicates the date and time when the status for the particular agent was last obtained. Default value is blank.

  2. Select one or multiple agents or enter the agent name, hostname, or IP address in the Search field, click Search, and select the required agents.
  3. Click the Get Status button from the toolbar.

    The console is populated with the following information:

    Note: For quarantined agents, the status is displayed as Inactive in the Status column.

  4. Click Reload. The information in the Status and Status Updated columns from the console are cleared. Also, the new agents that are installed display in the console.

    Note: Based on the number of agents that are selected, the Status and Status Updated columns can take more time to populate the information.