Administer Orchestrators › Maintain the Orchestrator Host › Purge Archived Process Instances from an Orchestrator
Purge Archived Process Instances from an Orchestrator
You can purge on demand the process instances that ran during a date range you specify.
Purge archived process instances from the Runtime database of an Orchestrator in the following situations:
- You need more available space; the accumulation of archived instances is causing the performance to degrade.
- You set the Orchestrator policy to turn off automatic purging.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab and expand the Orchestrators node in the Configuration Browser.
The expanded node displays all the Orchestrators in the Domain.
- Right-click the Orchestrator that contains the archived process instances to purge, and click Lock.
- Click the Policies tab.
- Click the Delete Archived Instance button at the bottom of the pane.
- In the Delete Archive Instance dialog, define the date range in which to purge archived instances.
- Click the From date calendar button and select Today or a start date that precedes today.
- Click the To date calendar button and select Today or an end date that is after today.
- Click OK.
- Click Yes on the confirmation message.
The purge process deletes all archived instances that ran during the specified date range.
- Right-click the Orchestrator, and click Unlock.
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