Administer Advanced CA EEM Security › Customizing User Access with CA EEM Policies › How to Customize Access for a Specified User › Create a User Account with No Group Assignment
Create a User Account with No Group Assignment
You can create a user account with no group assignment. This is part of the process for creating fine-grained access, where you restrict the user to designing and testing objects of one particular type.
Follow these steps:
- Browse to CA EEM and log in.
- Click the Manage Identities tab.
- Click the icon next to Users in the Users palette.
The New User page opens.
- Type the User ID to assign to the user account in the Name field.
This name is the name the user types in the User Name field at login.
- Enter the global user details.
- Type the name in the First Name and Last Name fields.
The title bar displays these values when the user logs in to CA Process Automation.
- Complete the other fields in the General area as appropriate.
- (Optional) Complete the Global Group Membership field if you use CA Process Automation with another CA Technologies product that uses this CA EEM.
- Type and verify a password to associate with the account in the Authentication area.
Give to users the temporary password you configure so that they can change their own passwords.
- (Optional) Complete the remaining fields on the New User page.
- Click Save, then click Close.
- Click Log Out.
More information:
Use CA EEM to Change Your CA Process Automation Password
Grant CA EEM Access to Selected Administrators
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