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Create a User Account with No Group Assignment

You can create a user account with no group assignment. This is part of the process for creating fine-grained access, where you restrict the user to designing and testing objects of one particular type.

Follow these steps:

  1. Browse to CA EEM and log in.
  2. Click the Manage Identities tab.
  3. Click the icon next to Users in the Users palette.

    The New User page opens.

  4. Type the User ID to assign to the user account in the Name field.

    This name is the name the user types in the User Name field at login.

  5. Enter the global user details.
    1. Type the name in the First Name and Last Name fields.

      The title bar displays these values when the user logs in to CA Process Automation.

    2. Complete the other fields in the General area as appropriate.
  6. (Optional) Complete the Global Group Membership field if you use CA Process Automation with another CA Technologies product that uses this CA EEM.
  7. Type and verify a password to associate with the account in the Authentication area.

    Give to users the temporary password you configure so that they can change their own passwords.

  8. (Optional) Complete the remaining fields on the New User page.
  9. Click Save, then click Close.
  10. Click Log Out.

More information:

Use CA EEM to Change Your CA Process Automation Password

Grant CA EEM Access to Selected Administrators