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Plan the Folder Structure

One of your first decisions as a new CA Process Automation administrator is how to organize and use folders in the Library tab. The folder structure can be as deep as you find practical.

To ease the task of preparing for export, set up a folder structure similar to this one before design work begins. That is, at the root level of the Library, create a folder for each process you plan to automate. Under each process-level folder, create a release-level folder using your own naming conventions for the first release version. If you create updates to a process, you can add new folders for the subsequent release versions.

/ (root folder)
Automated Process1 
Release Version 1 
Release Version 2
Automated Process 2
Release Version 1
Release Version 2 

When you deploy the first release version of the first process you automate, you export the release version folder, which contains all of the objects contained in that release.

Consider the following approaches to creating a folder structure:

Note: If you export a folder with absolute paths, the complete folder structure of the export folder is replicated in the production environment when contents are imported.