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Limit Access to Hosts with Sensitive Information

Touchpoint Security answers the need to limit access to business-critical hosts and hosts on which you store sensitive information. The following illustration suggests an approach to accomplish this security goal.

CA EEM Administrators define a Touchpoint Security policy with a group, modules, and touchpoints.

Follow these steps:

  1. Browse to CA EEM and log in.
  2. Create a group of high-privileged users.

    See Create the Custom ContentAdmin Group.

  3. Identify the touchpoints that are associated with sensitive hosts.

    See View the Touchpoints and Host Groups for a Selected Agent.

  4. Identify the categories with operators that expose data.
  5. Identify the Access Control IDs associated with the categories.
  6. Create a Touchpoint Security policy with this group, operator categories, and touchpoints.

    See Create a Touchpoint Security Policy.

  7. Enable Touchpoint Security on selected touchpoints.

More information:

Approach to Configuring Touchpoint Security