Administer Operator Categories and Custom Operator Groups › Configuring Operator Categories › Configure Databases: Default Sybase Properties
Configure Databases: Default Sybase Properties
You can configure the Databases category of operators for Sybase.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab, select Domain, and click Lock.
- Click the Modules tab, right-click Databases, and select Edit.
- Click the Default Sybase Properties tab.
- Select one of the following values for the default Sybase relational database system:
- Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA)
- Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
- Accept Tds or enter a different default connection protocol.
- Accept com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver or enter a different default driver.
- Specify the location of the Sybase database.
- Identify the server host.
- Enter the default port.
- Enter the default login credentials for the default Sybase database.
- Enter the default user name.
- Enter the password that is associated with the specified UserName.
- Accept 10 as the default maximum number of rows to retrieve, or select another value up to 512.
- Specify the amount of memory that the driver uses to cache insensitive result set data in one of the following ways:
- -1
All data is cached.
- 0
Up to 2 GB of data is cached.
- n
Defines the buffer size in KB, where the value is a power of 2 (an even number). When the specified limit is reached, the data is cached.
- Indicate whether to use the JDBC v3.0 compliant mechanism as the default batch performance workaround.
Note: If not selected, the native batch mechanism is used.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save.
- Select Domain and click Unlock.
More information:
Override Settings Inherited by a Category of Operators
Category Configuration and Operator Inheritance
About Databases
Configuring Operator Categories
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