Administer Operator Categories and Custom Operator Groups › Configuring Operator Categories › Configure Databases: Default Oracle Properties
Configure Databases: Default Oracle Properties
You can configure the Databases category of operators for Oracle.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab, select Domain, and click Lock.
- Click the Modules tab, right-click Databases, and select Edit.
- On the Default Oracle Properties tab, select one of the following values as the default Oracle JDBC driver type. Use a JDBC version that matches the Java Development Kit (JDK) version.
- thin
The Thin Driver type is used on the client side with no Oracle installation. The Thin driver connects to the Oracle database with Java sockets.
- oci
The OCI Driver type is used on the client side with Oracle installed. The OCI drivers use the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to interact with the Oracle database.
- kprb
The KPRB Driver type is used to write Java database stored procedures and triggers.
- Accept the default driver entry (oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver), or change the driver entry.
- Enter the location of the Oracle server and login credentials:
- Enter the server host where the Oracle database is running.
- Enter the default port for the Oracle database.
- Enter the default user name for the Oracle database user.
- Enter the password that is associated with the specified user name.
- Enter the Oracle Service ID.
- Enter the source of the contents of tnsnames.ora in the Oracle directory.
The Oracle TNS Names file translates a local database alias to information that enables the connectivity to the database. This information includes the IP address, the port, and the database Service ID.
- Accept the default maximum number of rows to retrieve (10), or select another value up to 512.
- Enter the default data encryption method. Consider entering one of the following values, where RCA_128 and RCA_256 are for domestic editions only:
- RC4_40
- RC4_56
- RC4_128
- RC4_256
- DES40C
- DES56C
- 3DES112
- 3DES168
- AES128
- AES256
- AES192
- Enter the default from the checksums that Oracle supports. See your Oracle documentation.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save.
- Select Domain and click Unlock.
More information:
Category Configuration and Operator Inheritance
About Databases
Configuring Operator Categories
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