Maintaining the Domain › Manage Certificates › Implement Your Third-Party Trusted SSL Certificate
Implement Your Third-Party Trusted SSL Certificate
CA Process Automation supports third-party security certificates for HTTPS web access and signing of jars. You can obtain such certificates from a third-party Certificate Authority.
Follow these steps:
- Decide on a certificate password and obtain a security certificate from a Certification Authority.
- Using the instructions provided by the Certification Authority, import the certificate into a keystore.
Generally you use a command similar to keytool –import –alias myalias –file certfile –keystore "path_and_file_specification_for_keystore".
- For the keystore password, enter the certificate password provided by the Certificate Authority.
- Obtain an encrypted version of the keystore password.
- Navigate to install_dir/server/c2o.
- Locate the PasswordEncryption script (PasswordEncryption.bat for Windows, PasswordEncryption.sh for UNIX or Linux).
- Run PasswordEncryption passwordtoencrypt.
- Save the long encrypted value returned for entry in the properties file.
- Stop the Orchestrator.
- Back up and edit the Oasis Configuration properties file to add or update the following:
- itpam.web.keystorepath to the location of the keystore using the fully qualified path and file name for the keystore file.
- itpam.web.keystore.password with the encrypted keystore password (do not surround encrypted password value with quotes)
- itpam.web.keystorealias to the alias used to reference the certificate in the keystore (myalias in the examples).
- Sign the jars by running SignC2OJars (SignC2OJars.bat for Windows, SignC2OJars.sh for UNIX or Linux) included with CA Process Automation in install_dir/server/c2o. Run SignC2oJars without parameters to sign the jars. If the keystore password you entered does not match the certificate password, enter the certificate password as each jar is signed.
Note: On AIX, there is a known problem when re-signing a jar file using SignC2OJars. To work around this problem, manually "unsign" the jars by removing the *.SF and *.RSA files in the META-INF folder for each Java Archive before running SignC2OJars.
- If the keystore contains more than one alias, modify the connector entry in server.xml. The server.xm. is located in <install_dir>\server\c2o\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\server.xml. Add the line in bold:
<Connector port="${tomcat.secure.port}" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
maxThreads="100" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
keystorePass="${itpam.web.keystore.password}" sslProtocol = "${SSL_PROTOCOL}" algorithm = "${X509_ALGORITHM}" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"/>
- Start the Orchestrator.
- Repeat this procedure for each Orchestrator that is to use the new certificate.
More information:
Oasis Configuration Properties File
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