Administer the CA Process Automation Domain › Configure the Contents of the Domain › Configure Domain Properties
Configure Domain Properties
The Domain is the root element in the CA Process Automation hierarchy. You can edit some Domain properties, such as the frequency with which agents notify the Domain Orchestrator that they are active. Changing the heartbeat value from 2 to 3, for example, can reduce the network traffic. The setting that you specify at the Domain level can be inherited or overridden at the environment level.
Note: See the User Interface Reference for field descriptions.
The Content administrators in the PAMAdmins group can lock the Domain and can edit Domain properties. The Domain_Admin permission in the CA EEM Domain policy grants authorization.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab.
The Configuration Browser palette opens with the Domain node selected.
- Click the Properties tab.
- View the read-only fields, for example:
- View the Domain URL entry. This entry is the first part of the URL you use to browse to CA Process Automation. The Domain URL entry can identify either the Domain Orchestrator or the load balancer. The URL can indicate secure or basic communication.
- View the Host Name entry. This entry identifies the host where the Domain Orchestrator is installed.
- View the Orchestrator Name entry. At the Domain level, this entry is the Domain Orchestrator by default.
- View the Status entry. The Domain status can have values such as Active or Locked by user ID.
- With the Domain node selected, click Lock.
When you lock the Domain, only you can edit the Domain properties.
- To edit the Heartbeat Interval (minutes) setting, select a new value from the spinner.
Setting a new value changes how often agents send a heartbeat to the Domain Orchestrator. By default, agents send a heartbeat every 2 minutes. This configuration applies to all agents in the Domain, but you can override this inherited value for any specific agent. Increasing the value reduces network traffic; increasing the interval to every 1 minute lets you identify agent problems more quickly.
- Consider leaving the default Touchpoint Security setting (Disabled) in place at the Domain level.
The Enabled setting specifies to verify and enforce user rights on the targets in a given process. The user rights are configured in a custom CA EEM policy that uses the Touchpoint Security resource class. You can grant execute rights to a user or group for a specific environment or touchpoint.
Note: See Approach to Configuring Touchpoint Security.
- Configure the Host Group targets according to the following guidelines:
- Specify requirements for purging reporting data that was generated in this Domain. Alternatively, purge reporting data on demand where you specify the date range for when the reports were generated.
- Specify whether to purge reporting data daily in the Option to Purge Reporting Data field. If you select Purge Reporting Data Daily, specify the time of day to start the purge. For example, to start the purge at 6:30 PM, specify the military time equivalent, 18:30 in the Start Time to Purge Reporting Data Daily field.
- If you specified a purge schedule, indicate the number of days to retain reporting data before it is purged. For example, an entry of 14 in the Number of Days to Keep Reporting Data field specifies to purge all reporting data that is more than two weeks old.
- Click the Delete Reporting Data button, specify a date range for the reporting data to delete, and click OK.
- To generate reporting for processes, select the Enable Process Reporting check box. To disable this capability, clear the Enable Process Reporting check box.
- To generate reporting data for operators, select the Enable Operator Reporting check box. To disable this capability, clear the Enable Operator Reporting check box.
- To allow the product to display process logs to content designers in the design environment, select the Enable Process Logs check box. To hide run-time process instance logs at the environment level for the production environment, clear the Enable Process Logs check box.
- The Agent Configuration Update Interval (minutes) field lets you define the frequency at which the Domain orchestrator checks and, if appropriate, sends configuration updates to agents.
- To automate the operator recovery, accept the default for the Enable Operator Recovery property.
- Click Save.
- Select Domain and click Unlock.
More information:
Lock the Domain
Approach to Configuring Touchpoint Security
Oasis Configuration Properties File
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