You can back up Data Repository to the same host. In a cluster environment, you must back up each node in the cluster.
Follow these steps:
Note: In a cluster installation, you can log in to Data Repository from any of the three hosts that is participating in the cluster.
Note: In a cluster installation, ensure that passwordless ssh keys are set up for each host that is participating in the cluster.
Follow these steps:
ssh hostname ls
Indicates the name of the host where Data Repository is installed.
If the passwordless ssh key is set up, you are not prompted for a password. You do not need to do anything further.
ssh-keygen -N "" -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
To confirm that you are not prompted for a password, retype the following command:
ssh hostname ls
Indicates the name of the host where Data Repository is installed.
Important! If you do not set up the passwordless ssh key, you cannot back up Data Repository. Set up a passwordless ssh key even if you are saving the backup to the same computer.
mkdir backup_directory
Indicates the directory where you want to back up Data Repository to. Select a backup directory that is on a disk partition with a large amount of free space. If these directories are not writable by the database administrator user, give this user access to these directories through utilization of the chown and chmod commands.
Note: In a cluster installation, create the backup directories before you back up the database. You can choose a different backup directory for each host.
For example:
mkdir ~dradmin/backups
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