Previous Topic: Configure the Sudo User Account for Data Repository (Optional)Next Topic: Secure Data Repository (Optional)

Install the Data Repository Component

After you meet the prerequisites, you can install Data Repository. Install Data Repository before you install Data Aggregator. The following scripts must be executed in sequence as part of the installation process:

Each script, when run, generates a corresponding log file in the installation_directory/logs directory on the Data Repository host from which the scripts were run. These log files include the step-by-step output of the scripts. You can review the script outputs to validate successful/failed script runs.

Important! Before you install Data Repository, review the system requirements.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open a console and log in to the computer where you plan to install Data Repository as the root user.

    Important! In a cluster installation, you can initiate the Data Repository installation from any of the three hosts that is participating in the cluster. The required software components are pushed to the additional two nodes during the installation.

  2. Copy the installDR.bin file locally. For the sake of installation instructions, we assume that the installer is placed in the /tmp directory, however, this location is not required.
  3. Change permissions for the installation file by typing the following command:
    chmod u+x installDR.bin
  4. To extract the installation file, do one of the following steps:

    Important! The installDR.bin file does not install Data Repository. This file extracts the Data Repository rpm, the license file, and the three installation scripts. You install Data Repository later in this procedure.

    The License Agreement opens.

    If you extract the Data Repository installation file from a secure shell or console without running an X Window System on the computer on which you install Data Repository, the License Agreement opens in console mode (command line). Otherwise, the agreement opens within a user interface.

  5. Read the license agreement, accept the agreement, and click Next if you are in the user interface. Press Enter if you are in console mode.
  6. When prompted, enter an installation directory to extract the Data Repository installation package and Vertica license file to, or accept the default installation directory of /opt/CA/IMDataRepository_vertica7/. Click Install and click Done if you are in the user interface. If you are in console mode, press Enter twice.

    Note: Do not use the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) for the /opt directory.

    The Data Repository installation package, license file, and associated setup scripts are extracted to the chosen directory.

  7. Adjust the following parameters in the file to reflect your installation-specific values. The file exists in the installation directory you specified previously.
  8. (Optional) Set up passwordless SSH for the root user in cluster environments from one Data Repository host to another:
    1. Open a console and log in to the Data Repository host as the root user.
    2. Type the following commands:
      ssh-keygen -N "" -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
      cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
      chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
    3. To copy the root user public key into the remote host's list of authorized keys, type the following command:
      ssh-copy-id -i root_user@remotehost

      Is another host in the cluster where you are copying the SSH ID.

    4. To verify that passwordless ssh is set up correctly, log in to the remote host from the local host:
      ssh root_user@remotehost ls
    5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each pair of hosts.

      Note: A three-node cluster requires six variations of the previous steps.

      If the passwordless SSH has been set up successfully, you are not prompted for a password. You also see a directory listing from the ‘ls command’.

  9. To run the validation script, do one of the following steps:

    The validation script establishes SSH without a password for the root user across all hosts in a cluster. If SSH without a password does not exist for the root account, you are prompted for a password. You are sometimes prompted multiple times.

    Note: The validation script sometimes asks you to reboot.

  10. Review any on-screen output for failures or warnings. You can run this script multiple times after you fix any failures or warnings. The script automatically corrects many failures or warnings. Proceed only if the final status is “PASSED”. If the final status is not "PASSED", contact CA Support.
  11. To run the installation script, do one of the following steps:

    The installation script installs the data repository, creates the database, and disables unnecessary Vertica processes. If the database administrator user does not already exist, the installation script also creates it. The script then prompts you to assign a new password.

  12. Look for and resolve any failures.
  13. Verify that Data Repository has been installed successfully by doing the following steps:
    1. To log in to the database server you use for Data Repository as the database administrator user, type the following command:
      su - dradmin
    2. Type the following command:
    3. The Administration Tools dialog opens.
    4. Select (1) View Database Cluster State and then select OK or press Enter.

      The database name appears and the State is reported as UP.

    5. Select OK to acknowledge that the database is UP.
    6. Select (E) Exit and press Enter.

    Note: If the database does not start automatically, select Start DB to start the database manually. If the database is not started, the Data Aggregator installation fails.

  14. (Optional) Secure Data Repository.
  15. (Required) Configure the log rotation for Data Repository.
  16. (Strongly Recommended) Set up automatic backups.

    When Data Repository is installed, three users are created:

New User Example

Password Example

Operating System User Account?

Vertica Database User Account?







This user is an internal user that Vertica creates. Do not do anything with this user.

This daemon-only user owns the Data Repository processes.





This user is the first user that you created when you installed Data Repository.

When the dradmin user is created, a verticadba group is also created. The dradmin user is added to this group.

This user can run the Data Repository processes and the Administration Tools utility. This user owns Data Repository catalog files, data files, and so on.


Note: This user is different from the user that is displayed in the previous row.


Note: The password that is specified for this database is the password for the database administrator.



This user was created when the database was created.


Note: Vertica includes a verticadba group for tighter control over filesystem access in the /opt/vertica/ directories. During the installation, the verticadba group is created, and existing users are added to the group with permissions set to 775. This setting grants full privileges to the verticadba group and read/execute privileges to all other users. The /opt/vertica/log and /opt/vertica/config directories are the folders with the modified permissions.

More information:

How to Install CA Performance Management Data Aggregator – Installation Wizard