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Troubleshooting: Data Collector Installs But Does Not Appear in the Data Collector List Menu


I installed Data Collector successfully, but Data Collector does not appear in the Data Collector List menu.


Do the following steps:

  1. Review the Data Collector installation directory/apache-karaf-2.3.0/shutdown.log file to ensure that Data Collector was not shut down automatically. Data Collector is shut down automatically if you specified the Data Aggregator host, tenant, or IP domain incorrectly when you installed Data Collector. The shutdown.log file provides error information as to why Data Collector was shut down. Two main reasons why Data Collector would shut down include:
  2. Type the following command to help ensure that an established connection to Data Aggregator exists:
     netstat -a | grep 61616
  3. If a connection to Data Aggregator does not exist, do the following steps:
    1. View the Data Collector installation directory/apache-karaf-2.3.0/deploy/local-jms-broker.xml file on the Data Collector host. This file contains the hostname or IP address of the Data Aggregator host that you specified when you installed Data Collector.
    2. Search for the “networkConnector” section of the broxer.xml file. This section should contain a line as follows:
      <networkConnector name="manager"

      Ensure that the Data Aggregator hostname that is specified in the "networkConnector" section is correct and resolves through DNS or /etc/hosts entries. Data Collector cannot communicate with Data Aggregator if you entered the Data Aggregator hostname incorrectly during the Data Collector installation.

    3. Type the following command to help ensure that the connection opens successfully when you open a telnet connection to the Data Aggregator host on port 61616:
      telnet dahostname 61616

      This command confirms that Data Aggregator is listening in on that port.

    4. If the telnet connection does not open successfully, the reasons could be as follows:
      • Data Aggregator is not running. Ensure that Data Aggregator is running. Open a console and type the following command:
            service dadaemon status

        If Data Aggregator is not running, start Data Aggregator. Log on to the Data Aggregator host computer as the root user or a sudo user with access to a limited set of commands. Open a console and type the following command:

           service dadaemon start
      • The request to initiate the connection is not making it from Data Collector to Data Aggregator successfully. Ensure that the port that is specified in the “networkConnector” section of the broxer.xml file is open for incoming connections on Data Aggregator. Be sure that there are no firewall rules preventing this connection.