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View Comment Types

When a user opens a knowledge document, they can add a comment that flags the document for correction, promotion, or retirement, and much more. The Comment Type List page lets you manage the details of the comment types.

To display this page, select the Administration tab, Knowledge, Documents, Comment Types.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, the list page displays Tenant and Public Data settings in the search filter. Public Data can be Excluded or Included with Tenant data; Only searches for public objects exclusively. On detail pages, select the appropriate tenant from the list. If you select <empty>, the object is public.

The Comment Type List page appears and displays the following columns:


Displays the list of comment types that appear in documents and drop-downs lists within the user interface. You can edit the following default comment types, or define your own:

Show in User View

Displays the comment in various list views within the user interface.

Follow-up Required

Specifies if the user is required to respond to this type of comment.

Time to Complete (Days)

Defines the number of days by which the user must follow up on this type of comment.


Indicates whether the comment type is active or inactive.

This page contains the follow buttons:


Searches for items by name.

Show Filter

Searches for a comment in the Comment List page. Complete one or more of the search fields and click Search. The Comment Type List page displays the comments that match your criteria.

Clear Filter

Clears the filter.

Create New

Creates a comment type.

Note: You can export list results to Excel for use outside of CA SDM by clicking the Export button on the List page.