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Archive and Purge History

You can view a summary of the history information for each archive and purge rule.

To view archive and purge history

  1. Select Archive and Purge, Archive and Purge History on the Administration tab.

    The Archive and Purge History List appears. This list displays an entry for each time the rule has been executed.

  2. The following fields are shown:
    Rule Name

    Displays the name of the rule used in the history list.

    Start Time

    Displays the time that the rule was started.

    End Time

    Displays the time that the rule completed.

    Main Objects Purged

    Displays the main objects that were purged by the rule. For example, a call request.

    Child Objects Purged

    Displays the related child objects that were purged by the rule. For example, the activity logs of a call request.

  3. (Optional) Click Show Filter and specify filter criteria to limit the list to the information of interest.
  4. Click a rule name if you want to review the rule's configuration.

    The Archive and Purge Rule Detail page appears.