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Verification Policy Selection

When an update occurs to a CI, CACF selects a policy for each updated attribute. This selection depends on the source of the update, the target CI, and whether matching change specification exists. When multiple policies match, CACF selects the single policy with the lowest sequence number to manage the attribute update.

Note: CACF can select multiple policies to manage a single transaction that updates multiple attributes. For example, updating a CI with a new description and new IP Address can trigger two different policies.

Each policy has four sections that CACF uses in policy selection:

Identification and Priority

Identifies a policy and specifies the order to evaluate the policy.

Change Order Alignment

Selects transactions based on how closely the attribute update matches an existing change specification.

Transaction Filter

Specifies the data sources to which this policy applies.

CI Filter

Specifies the CIs to which this policy applies.

A policy matches an attribute update when it passes each of these filters. If a policy does not match a transaction, CACF bypasses the policy, and CACF evaluates other policies in the system. If CACF bypasses all policies, the default action lets the CI attribute update occur.