Previous Topic: How Configuration Audit and Control Facility Works

Next Topic: Verification Policy Selection

Verification Policy

After the Configuration Manager and the Change Manager agree on a change verification policy, those decisions transcribe into a CA SDM change verification policy. A system can have many verification policies. When a CI update occurs, CACF selects a single verification policy for each updated attribute, and that policy can decide to update the CI. It can also decide to create a TWA entry, or to create an Incident on the existence of a matching change specification.

Note: If you want to monitor updates through the web client, specify the MDR Class Pattern as Web Client (case sensitive) in the verification policy. This pattern usage applies to English and localized versions of CA SDM when you want to monitor updates through the web client.

Important! Determining what policies you need in your environment requires significant thought into the goals of the organization and how you want to introduce those policies.