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Edit a Document Template

You can edit the name, layout, and content of a template using Knowledge Management.

To update a document template

  1. On the Administration tab, browse to Knowledge, Documents, Document Templates.

    The Document Templates List pane appears.

  2. Select a template name.

    The Update Document Template page appears.

  3. Click Edit Detail.

    The HTML Editor opens.

  4. Change the name, content, or layout of the template. You can change the following fields:

    Defines a unique name for the template. This field is required.


    Displays the static content that appears in documents created using the current template. If you select the HTML Source option, you can edit HTML code for the body directly in the Body field. If you select the Quick View option, the Body field is read-only and displays the static body content as it appears at run time.

  5. Click Edit Detail to specify the static content and layout of documents that use the template.

    The HTML Editor window opens.

  6. Edit the code using the toolbar to insert placeholder tags. Click OK.

    The Detail field shows the updated content.

  7. (Optional) Click Quick View.

    The content appears as a document based on the template.

  8. (Optional) Click HTML View.

    The content appears as HTML code.

  9. Click Save.

    The Document Template Detail page appears.

  10. Click Close Window.

    New documents that use the template show the new content and layout.

    A change to the name of the template appears in the list when you refresh the list.