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List Document Templates

The Document Template List page lets you create and manage document templates, which specify the content and appearance of documents in the knowledge base.

The following default templates install with the product:

The product uses the default templates when you create knowledge documents and knowledge tree documents unless you create document templates and associate them with your documents.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, the list page displays Tenant and Public Data settings in the search filter. Public Data can be Excluded or Included with Tenant data; Only searches for public objects exclusively. On detail pages, select the appropriate tenant from the list. If you select <empty>, the object is public.

To list document templates, select Administration, Knowledge, Documents, Document Templates from the Administration tab.

The Document Template List page appears and includes the following columns:

Template Name

Lists document templates currently defined in the product. Select a template name to open the Update Document Template window. Right-click a template name to open the Template Name shortcut menu, which contains commands for working with the selected template.


Displays a mark to indicate that a template is used by default for new documents or when a specified template for a document is deleted. You can set a template as the default, by right-clicking the template name and selecting Set as Default from the shortcut menu.

Note: When you create a document or delete a template associated with a document, the product associates the default template with it (unless you specify another template on the Attributes tab of the Create New Document window or the Update Knowledge Document window).

This page contains the following fields:


Defines the name of the template for which to search. This field only displays when you click Show Filter.

Additional Search Arguments

Defines additional criteria by which to search. This field only displays when you click a More link in the Knowledge Search pane.

This page contains the following buttons:

Clear Filter

Returns all filter fields on the pane or window to their default values.

Create New

Opens the Create New Document Template window so you can define a new document template.


Initiates a search for items that match the specified criteria. When you specify no criteria, the product returns all appropriate items (for example, folders/documents, contacts, templates, noise words, or permission groups).

Show Filter/Hide Filter

Displays or hides fields with which you can filter a search for items on the current window, pane, or dialog.

Note: You can export list results to Excel for use outside of CA SDM by clicking the Export button on the List page.