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Time to Violation

When the SLA model is in use, CA SDM's Time to Violation (TTV) system can help you track and prioritize tickets according to their projected violation time. This system monitors all active tickets and sets the projected violation time for each Service Type. You can report and sort tickets based on their violation time and cost, helping you resolve the most urgent and costly issues first.

The TTV system monitors all active tickets and evaluates their SLA events silently, to determine which events set the SLA violation flag. The events are not executed, but the system looks at the outcome of each event based on the current state of the ticket. If the evaluation results in an action that sets the SLA violation flag, the ticket’s attached Service Type is updated with a Time to Violation value; this value is the date/time when the event fires that sets the SLA violation.

Evaluation occurs whenever a ticket is inserted or updated. Because tickets are often updated in rapid succession, the evaluation is delayed for a short period. The delay interval is controlled by the ttv_evaluation_delay Option. After the delay expires, the TTV system evaluates all the SLA events that might set the SLA violation flag.

Each Event has an optional condition and a set of actions (Macros) that start based on the outcome of the condition. To ensure adequate performance, Event template information is cached by the TTV system and is refreshed periodically. Projections made by TTV involving recently updated Event templates may be inaccurate for several minutes.

Note: The TTV projections appear on the Service Type tab of each ticket. The TTV system is activated with the ttv_enabled Option.