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Search Recommended Documents

You can use the search function to filter the Recommended Documents List to show only the items you want to see.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, the list page displays Tenant and Public Data settings in the search filter. Public Data can be Excluded or Included with Tenant data; Only searches for public objects exclusively. On detail pages, select the appropriate tenant from the list. If you select <empty>, the object is public.

To search for a recommended document

  1. On the Administration Tab, browse to Knowledge, Search, Recommended Results.

    The Recommended Documents List appears.

  2. Click Show Filter.
  3. Complete the fields as appropriate. The following fields require more explanation.

    Specifies a condition type by which the document is matched and displayed as a recommended document link.


    Specifies search query information by which to identify the desired concept that the document contains.

    Click Search.

    The Recommended Documents List populates with all items that match your search criteria.