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Mailbox Rules

Mailbox rules let you configure any actions, replies, or both, that must occur for messages retrieved from a mailbox. The table (usp_mailbox_rule) maintains the rules which apply to the connection to each mail server account (usp_mailbox)—rules belong to specific mailboxes. You can delete rules, or make them inactive to disable them.

Note: When you create mailbox rules, you associate them with a specific mailbox—another mailbox cannot share those rules. If you want to use rules that belong to one mailbox for a different mailbox, recreate them for the other mailbox.

Mailbox rules also let you do the following:

More information:

Mailbox Rule Actions

Pattern Matching in Mailbox Rules

Filter String Object Identifier Restrictions

Special Characters in Regular Expressions

Sample Text for Notification Phrases in a Mailbox Rule

How to Create a Mailbox Rule That Matches Every Inbound Message

How to Use the Mailbox Rules TextAPI Defaults and TextAPI Ignore Incoming Settings