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How to Use the Mailbox Rules TextAPI Defaults and TextAPI Ignore Incoming Settings

The TextAPI Defaults and TextAPI Ignore Incoming fields let you specify default values for incoming mailbox rules, and specify TextAPI commands that should not be accepted in incoming emails. These fields work with the default values that are set in the [EMAIL_DEFAULTS] section and with the forbidden-commands list in the [EMAIL_IGNORE_INCOMING] section of the text_api.cfg file. When a conflict occurs between the definition in a mailbox rule and the definition in the text_api.cfg file, the value set in the mailbox rule applies.

The TextAPI Defaults field includes TextAPI keyword commands that are applied to a ticket when it is created from an email that matches a mailbox rule. The commands are not applied when the message affects an existing ticket.

To specify TextAPI Defaults commands, do the following:

  1. Place each command on a separate line in the TextAPI Defaults field.
  2. Format the commands as follows:

    Note: Do not include a leading percentage symbol (%), which is required only for corresponding commands that are embedded in the body of the email.

    For example, format the commands as follows:


The TextAPI Ignore Incoming field lists TextAPI keyword commands that are not permitted to be used in the text of the incoming email message. Any commands that are listed in this field are ignored when they are found in an incoming email message.

To specify TextAPI Ignore Incoming commands, do the following:

  1. Place each command on a separate line in the TextAPI Ignore Incoming field.
  2. Format the commands as follows:

    Note: Do not include a leading percentage symbol (%), which is required only for the corresponding commands that are embedded in the body of the email.

    For example, format the commands as follows:

  3. Define all commands used in either field in the [KEYWORDS] section of the text_api.cfg file. This file is located in the “site” subdirectory of the CA SDM installation directory.